Water Pump (2.0lt) – Alloy Head / Alloy Body | 06H121026N


The water pump is the heart of the engine’s cooling system. It is the water pump’s job to constantly circulate the coolant throughout the entire cooling system.  A faulty water pump can lead to your vehicle overheating and causing catastrophic failure.

Replace your faulty item with this direct replacement.


Part Fits the Following*

  • A3 2008 – 2013 PETROL, 2.0, CCZA CODE, 8P, 10/08-04/13
  • A4 2008 – 2016 PETROL, 2.0, CDNB/CDNC CODE, B8 8K, 04/08-01/16
  • A6 2011 – 2018 PETROL, 2.0, CDNB CODE, 4G/C7, 04/11-06/18
  • TT 2009 – 2014 PETROL, 2.0, CCZA/CESA CODE, 8J, 07/09-12/14
  • GOLF 2008 – 2013 PETROL, 2.0, CCZB CODE, GEN 6, 10/08-03/13
  • JETTA 2011 – 2017 PETROL, 3.0, CCZA CODE, 1B, 02/11-12/17
  • JETTA 2006 – 2011 PETROL, 2.0, CAWB CODE, 1KM, 02/06-07/11
  • A5 2009 – 2013 PETROL, 2.0, CDNB/CDNC CODE, 8T/8F, 08/09-08/13
  • OCTAVIA 2004 – 2013 PETROL, 2.0, CCZA CODE, 1Z, 01/04-10/13
  • EOS 2008 – 2014 PETROL, 2.0, CAWB/CCZA/CCZB, 08/08-12/14
  • TIGUAN 2008 – 2016 PETROL, 2.0, CAWA/CAWB/CCZA/CCZB/CCZC/CCZD CODE, 5N, 05/08-08/16
  • Q5 2009 – 2012 PETROL, 2.0, CDNC CODE, 8R, 03/09-10/12
  • AMAROK 2010 – 2014 PETROL, 2.0, CFPA CODE, 2H, 12/10-11/14

*This a guide only.  If you are unsure if this part is suitable for your vehicle, please contact us and we can confirm prior to your purchase.

20 in stock

Water Pump (2.0lt) – Alloy Head / Alloy Body | 06H121026N

20 in stock